My Characters

This is a page for documenting and describing all the characters that I personally identify with. There are two categories for these characters. The first of these is Alters. Since I identify as an endogenic plural system, I have several alters that I primarily identify with for expressing myself. Plurality is a a complicated issue, and I highly recommend that curious readers visit the website More Than One ( for more information on this topic. The second category of characters that I personally identify with are Original Characters. These describe characters that I might imagine myself as in roleplays or stories, but do not identify with in the same way that I do for my alters. These characters are still important to me, but they serve a different purpose than my alters do.


Urielle Undhu she/her/they/them/it/its

Urielle is a changeling typically in the form of an adult human transwoman. They spent most of their life assuming that they were simply a normal human until around the age of twenty years old, when they discovered the truth about their identity. From that point on, they used their fae heritage to begin practicing witchcraft and developing their own magic skills. In particular, their signature spell is known as Severance, which is able to sever the metaphysical bonds between two entities (i.e if one subject is being hypnotically controlled by another subject). However, this spell can only be performed using Urielle's special pair of scissors. Urielle's passive magical energy can also bend reality around them at random (causing nosebleeds, summoning moths, etc.) and gives them a natural ability for scarily accurate Tarot readings. Additionally, they can resurrect from deaths that do not involve major bodily harm, such as choking or poisoning.

Tulip Moynihan she/her/they/them

Tulip is a communist puppygirl and the embodiment of pure unbridled Freudian Id. Hedonistic to an almost unsettingly degree, she is obsessed with the pleasures of the material realm, whether its a late night yeeros trip or licking the feet of a beautiful woman. She can also be comically absent-minded or easily distracted at times. Somehow, Tulip balances this with a fanatic devotion to religion, to the point of being considered one of the greatest living scholars of theology. One of Tulip's proudest achievement is beating a minor deity in a debate on its own religion. Aside from being an avid reader of theology in general, Tulip specialises in literature regarding Christian socialism. In particular, she focuses on the works of thinkers such as John Ruskin, Jacques Ellul, and Leo Tolstoy.

Layla Sunshower she/her

Layla is a young adult human with the disposition of a perpetually scared child. She is constantly accompanied by her three Blåhaj, all of which are possessed by a magical distributed consciousness tasked with protecting Layla at all times. As a result of this possession, all three of her plushies are effectively sentient and have access to both telepathy and telekinesis. Unfortunately, their protection often veers into over-protection, with the consciousness resembling the Devouring Mother archetype, using a mixture of psychologial manipulation and magical hypnosis to keep Layla in a regressed mental state. This often occurs during sexual activity between Layla and her Blåhaj. Layla is a rabid plushophile and will quickly submit to being both mentally and physically dominated by her three plushies. Layla also has minor pyrokinetic powers, but is typically unable to practice or develop them in her regressed state.

Lexi Morningstar he/him/they/them

Nobody is quite sure exactly what Lexi is. He appears as a young adult human, but has bewildering supernatural abilities despite no magic training, such as being able to replicate Urielle's Severance spell and being able to detect the presence of invisible entities. Despite ostensibly appearing as natal male, he has what appears to be top surgery scars and does not explicitly identify as male. Rumors amongst his closest friends suggest he changed his name to Lexi from Tobias at some point in his life, but beyond this, nothing is known about his past. He often wears black button up shirts decorated with white floral patterns, and always has his hair dyed either dark purple or neon orange. Lexi primarily works as a mercenary, travelling between isolated towns and defending them from supernatural monsters, but also has a deep passion for psychoanalytic literature. Between work shifts, he typically spends hours silently reading the works of authors such as Jacques Lacan, Georges Bataille, and Marquis de Sade.

Mykhaila Kaczynski she/her

Mykhaila, more commonly known by her nickname Myka, is a retired member of the military's Combat Hound experiment program. After being arrested due to affiliation with a radical anarchist group, Myka was forcibly enlisted into the program as punishment. This involved months of psychological brainwashing and technological augmentation, turning her into the perfect war machine to be let loose on her former allies. After a few years of service, the fascist government of Myka's country collapsed during intense political turmoil, and members of the Combat Hound program were relocated and rehabiliated as part of an extensive nonprofit charity campaign. Myka retains many of her combat implants, which are no longer functional but could not be safely removed by surgical procedures. Despite being capable of normal speech, she chooses to remain silent by choice and does not engage with sign language, almost entirely eschewing communication with other people. She occasionally speaks with close friends, but uses as few words as possible when doing so. Myka is also a sexual masochist and a passionate metalhead.

Glyph Silke she/her/they/them

Glyph is an anthropomorphic mothgirl with a bubbly outgoing personality. Despite primarily presenting as female, Glyph occasionally adopts a more masculine persona under the name Sigil.

Pastel Amore she/her/it/its

Original Characters

Paige Cardinal they/them/it/its

In a strict sense, Paige is a nonbinary janitor working aboard various spaceships during ongoing mecha warfare, born with partial androgen insensitivity syndrome. During their work as a janitor, Paige was enlisted as part of the SAMAP (Semi-Autonomous Military Asset Program) and had their genetic blueprint scanned and archived into a genomic template for creating the perfect mech pilot. As such, there are now countless clones of Paige engaged in mecha warfare across various forms of combat, not subject to the standard regulations for ethical treatment of normal human pilots. Clones are designated with the initials PC, followed by a random four digit code (i.e PC-1337), but Paige's genomic template was leaked during an act of sabotage, and now any military faction is capable of creating their own unregistered clones with sufficient technology. Due to the limitations of the cloning process, Paige clones will have differing personalities and apperances, but this only becomes significant in rare cases and most clones remain functionally identical. Paige clones are often bullied by their peers for allegedly lacking a soul and are prone to developing what has been dubbed as "Rapid Onset Metaphysical Psychosis." Paige clones who encounter each other typically form intense sexual relationships, often within the span of just a few hours, for reasons that are still being studied.

Rosemary Williams it/its

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